Tuesday 29 June 2010

The Point Blank Forum is Here!

The forum has always been a crucial feature of the learning process for music production students at our online music school; A place where they can interact with their fellow students, share their latest tracks and probe their tutors for any extra nuggets of knowledge not covered in the course material. Until now however the only people with access to the forum have been the paying students. We figured that this was going against the raison d’etre of a forum… they should be open to all, encouraging as many as possible to interact with each other, and in doing so build up a buzzing community of people who share the same passion.

So we are excited to announce the Point Blank forum. It works just like any other forum out there, you can embed content from youtube and soundcloud, and add a unique signature which appears after all your posts (an ideal place to put your myspace details or your latest tune from soundcloud). It may be slightly slow going to begin with as we spread the word and let all our students, past and present know it exists but please stick with it. With your help this will hopefully become one of the liveliest and of course friendliest music forums out there.

So come along, introduce yourself and get chatting. Feel free to suggest any categories that you feel would benefit the forum too… the forum is all about you and we are always open to ideas!

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